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Sugar. A sweet strategy for better insulin levels

in berberine benefits, bitter melon benefits, Insulin resistance syndrome, Insulin sensitivity, normal insulin levels
by Raymond Martinez

Sugar, it's everywhere!! It’s in many of our foods from freshly picked to highly processed. It’s in most of our beverages like fruit juices, soda and sports drinks to sweetened coffee and teas. Sugar is also an essential nutrient; without it we would die. But how much do we REALLY NEED??!

The American Heart Association recommends sugar and added sugar foods comprise no more than 6% of an individual’s “Discretionary Calories”. Discretionary Calories are those calories left over from the calories needed to sustain basic bodily functions, usually about 100-300 calories depending on the individual. However, a lot of people far exceed this amount by breakfast.

The FDA recommends an average of 2,000 calories per day depending on the individual with a guideline of no more than 10%, (roughly 200 calories) of those being added sugar. Unfortunately, many of us make poor food choices, often selecting high added sugar, calorie dense foods which lead us to exhaust or exceed our recommended intake quickly. Add in a stressful sedentary lifestyle and you have a recipe for poor health.

What does all this mean? Over time, our bodies have a harder and harder time keeping up with our high sugar intake. This can over stress our Pancreas, the organ responsible for handling our bodies response to sugar which, over time can lead to poor insulin sensitivity or insulin resistance. Add in a stressful and inactive lifestyle and you have a recipe for poor health.


So, what’s a person to do? Read Nutrition labels!! If the food item comes in some type of packaging, there’s a high probability that a nutrition facts panel is on there somewhere. The FDA has a great piece on how to read a nutrition facts panel and identify added sugars.

Added Sugars: Now Listed on the Nutrition Facts Label

Another great strategy is to look on a company’s website for nutritional information. Most companies now make nutrition facts publicly available.  That Large no whip, nonfat Cinnamon Dolce Latte you're about to enjoy? Check the calories out first!!

Everyone knows physical activity is good for you right? Well, in the case of Insulin resistance syndrome it can be a game changer!! The American Heart Association found that just 7 days of consecutive activity, (i.e., walking & cycling) showed a substantial improvement on insulin sensitivity among insulin resistant individuals. 

What else can be done to help? Using a targeted supplementation approach can help insulin levels stay level. Helpful nutrients like:

Berberine: A bioactive compound extracted from many plants has long been touted for its beneficial effects on blood sugar and heart health.

Chromium Picolinate: Chromium is found in many foods we eat and is an essential part of a molecule in our body called chromodulin which helps our body produce insulin. Unfortunately, absorption of ingested chromium is very low with only about 2.5% being absorbed. Chromium Picolinate however has much better absorption which may assist in supporting lower blood sugar levels.

Bitter Melon: Bitter Melon, (or Bitter Gourd in some Countries) is chocked full of nutrients like Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin A and Fiber. Bitter Melon helps reduce blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1C in people with diabetes. Another Bitter Melon benefit is in the reduction of fructosamine which is a compound resulting from glycation, a process that is responsible for a number of complications in diabetes mellitus and is also implicated in several diseases and in aging.

Gymnema sylvestre: Gymnema sylvestre, (or Gurmar, which is Hindi for sugar destroyer) belongs to a family of climbing shrubs native to many rain forests. Gymnema has several benefits, from treating malaria and snake bites to helping control sugar absorption. Studies suggest consuming 200-400mg of Gymnemic acid reduces the intestinal absorption of glucose.  Other studies show Gymnema may help to boost insulin production in the pancreas and help regenerate insulin producing islet cells which can lead to lower blood sugar levels.

At Noo-HYPE, we understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. That's why our formulators have designed a supplement to address the needs of people looking for help in controlling blood sugar levels and avoiding insulin resistance syndrome.

Noo-HYPE I.S. Lean. Formulated specifically to address high insulin levels, and help boost insulin sensitivity, I.S. Lean offers an efficacious dose of Berberine, Chromium Picolinate, Bitter Melon, Gymnema Sylvestre and more. A simple 3 capsule dose arms you with potent nutrients to help combat high insulin levels and may help reduce insulin resistance syndrome when paired with exercise and smart food options.

Noo-HYPE I.S Lean Insulin Sensitivity and support formula

At Noo-HYPE, we understand that everyone is different, has different goals, motivations and reasoning for doing what they do.

So, whether you’re racing or spacing, working out or hanging out, Noo-HYPE has you covered. In the gym and out.

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